var index = [ [ "Overview of BDMPI", "d1/dfb/intro.html", [ [ "Motivation of the approach", "d1/dfb/intro.html#motivation", null ], [ "Execution & memory model", "d1/dfb/intro.html#bdmpimodels", [ [ "Master & slave processes", "d1/dfb/intro.html#processes", null ], [ "Efficient loading & saving of a process's address space", "d1/dfb/intro.html#sbmalloc", null ] ] ] ] ], [ "Setting up BDMPI", "d0/d7d/setup.html", [ [ "System requirements", "d0/d7d/setup.html#requirements", null ], [ "System configuration", "d0/d7d/setup.html#config", null ], [ "Building and installing BDMPI", "d0/d7d/setup.html#install", null ] ] ], [ "Compiling BDMPI Programs", "dc/da5/compiling.html", null ], [ "Running BDMPI Programs", "d6/d89/running.html", [ [ "Running on a single node", "d6/d89/running.html#onenode", null ], [ "Running on multiple nodes", "d6/d89/running.html#manynodes", null ], [ "Options of bdmprun", "d6/d89/running.html#bdmprun", [ [ "Options related to the execution environment", "d6/d89/running.html#execoptions", null ], [ "Options related to memory resources", "d6/d89/running.html#memoptions", null ], [ "The remaining options", "d6/d89/running.html#otheroptions", null ] ] ] ] ], [ "API Documentation", "d8/daa/api.html", [ [ "MPI functions supported by BDMPI", "d8/daa/api.html#mpiapi", null ], [ "BDMPI-specific functions", "d8/daa/api.html#bdmpiapi", [ [ "Communicator-related functions", "d8/daa/api.html#bdmpicomm", null ], [ "Intra-slave synchronization", "d8/daa/api.html#bdmpimutex", null ], [ "Storage-backed memory allocations", "d8/daa/api.html#bdmpisbmalloc", null ] ] ], [ "Predefined communicators", "d8/daa/api.html#communicators", null ], [ "Supported datatypes", "d8/daa/api.html#datatypes", null ], [ "Supported reduction operations", "d8/daa/api.html#reductions", null ] ] ], [ "Troubleshooting BDMPI Programs", "d4/d13/troubleshooting.html", [ [ "Developing and debugging BDMPI programs", "d4/d13/troubleshooting.html#tb_debug", null ], [ "Issues related to sbmalloc", "d4/d13/troubleshooting.html#tb_sbmalloc", null ], [ "Cleaning up after a failed execution", "d4/d13/troubleshooting.html#tb_cleanup", null ] ] ], [ "Guidelines for Developing Efficient BDMPI Programs", "d2/d85/guidelines.html", [ [ "Use collective communication operations", "d2/d85/guidelines.html#g_collective", null ], [ "Group blocking communication operations together", "d2/d85/guidelines.html#g_group", null ], [ "Freeing scratch memory", "d2/d85/guidelines.html#g_scratch", null ], [ "Structure memory allocations in terms of active blocks", "d2/d85/guidelines.html#g_mblocks", null ] ] ], [ "Credits & Contact Information", "dc/d9a/contact.html", null ], [ "Copyright & License Notice", "de/d7e/license.html", null ] ];