SLIM  2.0
SLIM Documentation

Sparse LInear Method (SLIM) [1] is an item-based top-N recommendation approach that combines the advantages of neighborhood- and model-based collaborative filtering methods. It achieves state-of-the-art recommendation performance and has low computational requirements.

This package provides a C-based optimized multi-threaded implementation of SLIM that consists of a set of command-line programs and a user-callable library for estimating and applying SLIM models as well as an easy to use Python interface.

Downloading SLIM

SLIM uses Git submodules to manage external dependencies. Hence, please specify the --recursive option while cloning the repo as follow:

git clone --recursive

Building standalone SLIM binary and shared library

To build SLIM you can follow the instructions below:


General dependencies for building slim are: gcc, cmake, build-essential. In Ubuntu systems these can be obtained from the apt package manager (e.g., apt-get install cmake, etc)

sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install cmake

Building and installing SLIM

In order to build SLIM, first build GKlib by running:

cd lib/GKlib
make config openmp=set
cd ../../

After building GKlib, you can build and install SLIM by running:

make config shared=1 cc=gcc cxx=gcc prefix=~/.local
make install

Building SLIM with Intel's MKL support (optional)

In order to use SLIM's ADMM solver, you will need to install Intel's MKL library.

For Ubuntu machines on which you have sudo privilages, we provided the script that automates the process of obtaining and installing MKL, which can be used as follows:

source ~/.bashrc 

For machines on which you do not have sudo privilages, you should download the MKL tarball from Intel's website and then install it locally using the script they provide. After installing it you should add your-path-to-intel/intel/mkl/bin/ intel64in your bashrc and run source ~/.bashrc.

You can build and install SLIM with MKL support by running:

make config shared=1 cc=gcc cxx=gcc with_mkl=1 prefix=~/.local
make install

Note that SLIM's ADMM solver usually outperforms the default optimizer included in SLIM when the number of items in the dataset is relatively small compared to the number of users and the number of non-zeros in the dataset is large.

Python Package installation

The Python package is located at python-package/. The installation of python-package requires Python distutils module and is often part of the core Python package or can be installed using a package manager, e.g., in Debian use

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools

After building the SLIM library, follow one of the following steps to install the python-package:

  1. Install python-package system-wide (this requires sudo priveleges):
    cd python-package
    sudo python install
  2. Install python-package only for the current users (without sudo priveleges):
    cd python-package
    python install --user

Getting Started

Here are some examples to quickly try out SLIM on the sample datasets that are provided with SLIM.


import pandas as pd
from SLIM import SLIM, SLIMatrix
#read training data stored as triplets <user> <item> <rating>
traindata = pd.read_csv('../test/AutomotiveTrain.ijv', delimiter = ' ', header=None)
trainmat = SLIMatrix(traindata)
#set up parameters to learn model, e.g., use Coordinate Descent with L1 and L2
params = {'algo':'cd', 'nthreads':2, 'l1r':1., 'l2r':1.}
#learn the model using training data and desired parameters
model = SLIM()
model.train(params, trnmat)
#read test data having candidate items for users
testdata = pd.read_csv('../test/AutomotiveTest.ijv', delimiter = ' ', header=None)
#NOTE: model object is passed as an argument while generating test matrix
testmat = SLIMatrix(testdata, model)
#generate top-10 recommendations
prediction_res = model.predict(testmat, nrcmds=10, outfile = 'output.txt')
#dump the model to files on disk
model.save_model(modelfname='model.csr', # filename to save the model as a csr matrix
mapfname='map.csr' # filename to save the item map
#load the model from from disk
model_new = SLIM()
model_new.load_model(modelfname='model.csr', # filename of the model
mapfname='map.csr' # filename of the item map

The users can also refer to the python notebook UserGuide.ipynb located at ./python-package/UserGuide.ipynb for more examples on using the python api.


SLIM can also be used standalone by running the built binaries located under ./build directory. The slim_learn and slim_predict program can be used to learn the model and predict using an existing model, respectively. The usage of slim_learn is generally as follow:

slim_learn [options] train-file [output-model-file] 

In above command, train-file refers to the rating matrix stored in a file on disk in sparse format (by default it expects CSR format) and output-model-file is the name of the file that will be used to save the learned model. The available options will be described later in detail. Following shows an example of using the slim_learn program:

./build/Linux-x86_64/src/programs/slim_learn test/ml100k-train.csr model_output.slim

Similarly, the recommendations can be generated by using the program slim_predict and the usage of slim_predict is as follow:

slim_predict [options] model-file train-file [test-file]

In above command, model-file refers to the SLIM model saved in a file, train-file refers to the training data or past historical data used to generate the model and test-file is the test data containing hidden ratings for the users.

SLIM parameters

The following optional parameters can be provided to the slim_learn program.

  • ifmt [default=csr]
    • Specifies the format of the input file. Available options are: csr - CSR format [default]. csrnv - CSR format without ratings. cluto - Format used by CLUTO. ijv - One (row#, col#, val) per line.
  • binarize [default=0]
    • Specifies that the ratings should be binarized.
  • l1r [default=1.0]
    • Specifies the L1 regularization parameter.
  • ipmdlfile [default=""]
    • Specifies the file used to initilize the model.
  • l2r [default=1.0]
    • Specifies the L2 regularization parameter.
  • nnbrs [default=0]
    • Selects fSLIM model and specifies the number of item nearest neighbors to be used. Specifying few neighbors will speed-up the model learning but it may lower the accuracy. The parameter simtype sets the measurement of similarity. This package supports three similarity measurements, Jaccard similarity ("jac"), Cosine similarity ("cos"), and inner product ("dotp"). The default value for simtype is "cos". A fSLIM model can be used in the same way with a SLIM model. Note that, a fSLIM model can only be trained using coordinate descent.
  • simtype [default=cos]
    • Specifies the similarity function for determining the neighbors. Available options are:
      • cos - cosine similarity [default].
      • jac - extended Jacquard similarit.
      • dotp - dot-product similarity.
  • algo [default=cd]
    • Specifies the optimization algorithms for learning the model. Available options are:
      • admm - ADMM.
      • cd - Coordinate Descent.
  • optTol [default=1e-7]
    • Specifies the threshold used during optimization for termination.
  • niters [default=10000]
    • Specifies the maximum number of allowed optimization iterations.
  • nthreads
    • Specifies the number of threads to be used for estimation. Default value is maximum number of threads available on the machine.
  • dbglvl
    • Specifies the debug level. The default value turns on info and timing.
  • help
    • Prints the parameter details.


If you use any part of this library in your research, please cite it using the following BibTex entry:

  title = {{SLIM}: Sparse LInear Model library},
  author = {Ning, Xia and Nikolakopoulos, Athanasios N. and Shui, Zeren and Sharma, Mohit and Karypis, George},
  url = {},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub Repository},
  year = {2019},

Credits & Contact Information

SLIM was written by George Karypis with contributions by Xia Ning, Athanasios N. Nikolakopoulos, Zeren Shui and Mohit Sharma.

If you encounter any problems or have any suggestions, please contact George Karypis at

Copyright & License Notice

Copyright 2019, Regents of the University of Minnesota

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.