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Forum Topics Posts Last post
Multilevel Partitioning Programs
Discussions about the partitioning routines in the serial METIS
222 595 8 years 20 weeks ago
by ericc
Discussions about the fill-reducing re-ordering in METIS & ParMETIS
35 71 7 years 25 weeks ago
by abuttari
Discussions about the routines in ParMETIS
124 290 7 years 25 weeks ago
by Dr J
Discussions about the programs and routines in hMETIS
58 121 9 years 1 week ago
by AK
Clustering Toolkit
Discussions about the command-line-based CLUTO package
92 187 8 years 25 weeks ago
by karypis
Discussions about CLUTO's API
15 29 11 years 39 weeks ago
by prasanna
Discussions about gCLUTO
17 37 10 years 28 weeks ago
by waelyafooz
Pattern Finding Toolkit
Discussions about the frequent itemsets and sequences
3 6 8 years 44 weeks ago
by ehk
Discussions about the frequent subgraphs
2 4 12 years 13 weeks ago
by sankeeta
Big Data Message Passing Interface
Discussions on everything about BDMPI
0 0 n/a
Top-N Recommendation Engine
Discussions on everything about SUGGEST
12 23 12 years 2 weeks ago
by littleshovel
Protein Secondary Structure Prediction
Discussions on everything about YASSPP
0 0 n/a
Acyclic Fragment-based Descriptors for Chemical Compounds
Discussions on everything about AFGen
1 1 11 years 26 weeks ago
by Ngfoomeng
Coarse Grid Generation for Geometric Multigrid
Discussions on everything about MGridGen & ParMGridGen
0 0 n/a
Parallel Cholesky Solver
Discussions on everything about PSPASES
0 0 n/a