PARMETIS ERROR: Poor initial vertex distribution.

I am trying to use “ParMETIS_V3_AdaptiveRepart”. However, I keep on receiving “PARMETIS ERROR: Poor initial vertex distribution. Processor X has no vertices assigned to it!”. On checking vtxdist, things look perfectly fine.

Below is a very simple code that I am trying to run (source code obtained from: I have also pasted the exact output below.

Please let me know where I am going wrong.



using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int result;
// Needed by parmetis

idx_t *vtxdist=NULL;

idx_t *xadj=NULL;

idx_t *adjncy=NULL;

idx_t *vwgt=NULL, *adjwgt=NULL;

idx_t wgtflag=0;

idx_t numflag=0;

idx_t ncon=1;

idx_t nparts=3;

real_t *tpwgts=NULL, ubvec;

idx_t options[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}, edgecut;

idx_t part[5];

// For AdaptiveRepart

real_t itr;

idx_t *vsize=NULL;

// Start Comm




MPI_Comm comm;


int ierr;

ierr = MPI_Init ( &argc, &argv );


ierr = MPI_Comm_rank ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MPI_PROC_ID );

MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm);

if ( MPI_PROC_ID == 0 ){

cout << " Parmetis example from LiberLocus."<< '\n';


cout << "I am Proc " << MPI_PROC_ID << '\n';

// Common for every processor

vtxdist = new idx_t[4];

// For AdaptiveRepart

itr = 1000.0;

vtxdist[0] = 0; vtxdist[1] = 5; vtxdist[2] = 10; vtxdist[3] = 15;

ubvec = 1.05;

part[0] = MPI_PROC_ID; part[1] = MPI_PROC_ID; part[2] = MPI_PROC_ID; part[3] = MPI_PROC_ID; part[4] = MPI_PROC_ID;

tpwgts = new real_t[3];

// tpwgts[0] = static_cast(ncon) / static_cast(nparts);

tpwgts[0] = 1.0/3.0; tpwgts[1] = 1.0/3.0; tpwgts[2] = 1.0/3.0;

// Dependent on each processor

if ( MPI_PROC_ID == 0 ){

xadj = new idx_t[6];

adjncy = new idx_t[13];

xadj[0] = 0; xadj[1] = 2; xadj[2] = 5; xadj[3] = 8; xadj[4] = 11; xadj[5] = 13;

adjncy[0] = 1; adjncy[1] = 5; adjncy[2] = 0; adjncy[3] = 2; adjncy[4] = 6; adjncy[5] = 1; adjncy[6] = 3; adjncy[7] = 7; adjncy[8] = 2; adjncy[9] = 4; adjncy[10] = 8; adjncy[11] = 3; adjncy[12] = 9;


else if ( MPI_PROC_ID == 1 ){

xadj = new idx_t[6];

adjncy = new idx_t[18];

xadj[0] = 0; xadj[1] = 3; xadj[2] = 7; xadj[3] = 11; xadj[4] = 15; xadj[5] = 18;

adjncy[0] = 0; adjncy[1] = 6; adjncy[2] = 10; adjncy[3] = 1; adjncy[4] = 5; adjncy[5] = 7; adjncy[6] = 11; adjncy[7] = 2; adjncy[8] = 6; adjncy[9] = 8; adjncy[10] = 12; adjncy[11] = 3; adjncy[12] = 7; adjncy[13] = 9; adjncy[14] = 13; adjncy[15] = 4; adjncy[16] = 8; adjncy[17] = 14;


else if ( MPI_PROC_ID == 2 ){

xadj = new idx_t[6];

adjncy = new idx_t[13];

xadj[0] = 0; xadj[1] = 2; xadj[2] = 5; xadj[3] = 8; xadj[4] = 11; xadj[5] = 13;

adjncy[0] = 5; adjncy[1] = 11; adjncy[2] = 6; adjncy[3] = 10; adjncy[4] = 12; adjncy[5] = 7; adjncy[6] = 11; adjncy[7] = 13; adjncy[8] = 8; adjncy[9] = 12; adjncy[10] = 14; adjncy[11] = 9; adjncy[12] = 13;


if ( MPI_PROC_ID == 0 ){

cout << "parmetis initialized." << '\n';


result = ParMETIS_V3_AdaptiveRepart( vtxdist, xadj, adjncy, vwgt, vsize,

adjwgt, &wgtflag, &numflag, &ncon,

&nparts, tpwgts, &ubvec, &itr, options,

&edgecut, part, &comm );

if ( MPI_PROC_ID == 0 ){

cout << "parmetis finalized." << '\n';



ierr = MPI_Finalize();

return 0;



Parmetis example from LiberLocus.

I am Proc 0

parmetis initialized.

PARMETIS ERROR: Poor initial vertex distribution. Processor 0 has no vertices assigned to it!

parmetis finalized.

0 edgecut 140735368350544

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

I am Proc 1

1 edgecut 140734544728064

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

I am Proc 2

PARMETIS ERROR: Poor initial vertex distribution. Processor 2 has no vertices assigned to it!

2 edgecut 140735900811072

2 2

2 2

2 2

2 2

2 2