Minimal Example Parmetis_V3_PartMeshKway 2 expect different result

int elmdist[]={0, 2, 4}, eptr[]={0, 4, 8}, eind[8];
int eind_cpu1[]={0, 1, 4, 3, 1, 2, 5, 4};
int eind_cpu2[]={3, 4, 7, 6, 4, 5, 8, 7};
int wgtflag=0, numflag=0, ncon=0, nparts=2, ncommonnodes=4, edgecut, elmwgt=0, part[2], options[]= {0, 0, 0};
float tpwgts=1.0F, ubvec= 1.05F;

Second try: Sorry.
Thats my Input for the above function in the title with 2 processe. My output is
cpu1 part[0]=0;
cpu1 part[1]=0
cpu2 part[0]=0;
cpu2 part[1]=0

The numbering of the nodes in the clockwise direction, I've noticed, but this has no effect on the result.
Is my Input wrong? Can someone explain my the result? I expected 2 elements on cpu2.

Regards stonator