DMS: Distributed Sparse Tensor Factorization with Alternating Least Squares

Shaden Smith and George Karypis
UMN-CS TR 15-007, 2015
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Tensors are data structures indexed along three or more dimensions. Tensors have found increasing use in domains such as data mining and recommender systems where dimensions can have enormous length and are resultingly very sparse. The canonical polyadic decomposition (CPD) is a popular tensor factorization for discovering latent features and is most commonly found via the method of alternating least squares (CPD-ALS). Factoring large, sparse tensors is a computationally challenging task which can no longer be done in the memory of a typical workstation. State of the art methods for distributed memory systems have focused on distributing the tensor in a one-dimensional (1D) fashion that prohibitively requires the dense matrix factors to be fully replicated on each node. To that effect, we present DMS, a novel distributed CPD-ALS algorithm. DMS uses a 3D decomposition that avoids complete factor replication and communication. DMS has a hybrid MPI+OpenMP implementation that exploits multi-core architectures with a low memory footprint. We theoretically evaluate DMS against leading CPD-ALS methods and experimentally compare them across a variety of datasets. Our 3D decomposition reduces communication volume by 74% on average and is over 35x faster than state of the art MPI code on a tensor with 1.7 billion nonzeros.
Research topics: Data mining | Parallel processing | SPLATT