WebACE: A Web Agent for Document Categorization and Exploration

Eui-Hong (Sam) Han, Daniel Boley, Maria Gini, Robert Gross, Kyle Hastings, George Karypis, Vipin Kumar, B. Mobasher, Jerry Moore
2nd Intl. Conference on Autonomous Agents, pp. 408 - 415, 1997
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We propose an agent for exploring and categorizing documents on the World Wide
Web based on a user profile. The heart of the agent is an automatic categorization of
a set of documents, combined with a process for generating new queries used to search
for new related documents and filtering the resulting documents to extract the set of
documents most closely related to the starting set. The document categories are not
given a-priori. The resulting document set could also be used to update the initial set
of documents. We present the overall architecture and describe two novel algorithms
which provide significant improvement over traditional clustering algorithms and form
the basis for the query generation and search component of the agent.
Research topics: Classification | Clustering | Data mining